Grow in the Grace of GOD

As you visit this site ZACMT welcomes you in the precious name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We extend to you an open invitation to fellowship and worship with us in our services to the glory of God.
We are a church family with programs designed for all ages to experience growth in our Lord Jesus Christ and to reach the world with hope. As you look through this website, it is our prayer that you will be edified and blessed!
Zion Apostolic Christian Memorial Temple is an Apostolic visionary body, moving toward the goal of a life eternal in what the Word of God calls Heaven. 1 Thess 4:16-18
As a further way of attainment of said purpose and mission, we pledge with the Apostle Paul in his mission statement in 1 Cor 9: 19-22 and believe that salvation is provided to us according to
Acts 2:38
Preach the Gospel, from the Inside Out
STARTS at 7:00 PM
646-769-9900 enter 16010#